Submitted by Ann Mckie

Thank you for sending me your memories of Sheila and the beautiful photos.  She was special and how wonderful to have her as a sister and aunt.

I met Sheila through our dogs.  Some years ago my last dog Phoebe fell in love with Buster when we met him on our walks and we often had to walk past his house in case he was in the garden.  One day when the gate at my house was left open, she ran to see him and Sheila very kindly brought her home.  It happened once more when Sheila again brought her back and after that I took some flowers round to say thank you to Sheila.  After that Sheila left Buster with me several times when she had to go up to London to see her dental consultant and he stayed longer when she underwent treatment for the cancer in her jaw.  Over  the years we met up often and talked and talked and she told me of her interesting life and the countries she had lived in and the children and people she had lived and worked with.  I also have many memories of her kindness and generosity everywhere, my chairs in the conservatory that she picked up for me after she had seen them put outside a house for collection by anyone who could use them, a rose bush in the garden left from a church sale, a bathroom cabinet, not to mention coming round with “reductions” from the Co-op (with difficulty she took the money for those) that neither of us could resist.

Sheila added to my life and I miss her company and friendship and am so sorry for her family that such a vibrant personality is no longer here.